Thursday, November 18, 2010


My apologies for not updating...can I say BUSY!!! Brooke is really doing well. Her EBV is still holding at 400. Last Friday they had a meeting(surgeons and GI docs). The conclusion, to give us a month off and recheck labs in December! Dr. Fishbein feels she is stable enough and numbers look good enough to go this route. If her numbers go into the thousands then they are going to intervene.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I have been looking back and truly being thankful for so many things! Brooke's journey has been one with so many hills to climb...both good and not so good! I never thought when I was pregnant with my third that this was what my life was going to be like...but I wouldn't change it for the world! She has taught me so much in life! She is such a blessing!! She makes me laugh ALL the time! She talks NON-STOP!! =) She takes everything in and is smart as a whip! She is such a loving child who out of the blue looks up in your eyes and says..."mommy I love you!" She has touched SOOO many lives! I love this baby girl and thank God each day for this true blessing in my life! If you would of told me two and a half years ago, Jen, you will look back on this and smile, I would of probably punched you in your I can look back and smile and thank God and everyone around me for Brooke and her journey in life!

Do we still have obstacles...YES will there be more tears shed...YES Will there be days when I can't take it and want to scream...YES....but she is worth all of that and these will be lessons in my life she is teaching me and I will grow and learn from them as I have in the past two and a half years!

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving...don't wait for next Thursday to share your blessings and be thankful...cherish each day you have and be thankful and focus on the positive! Your day will be blessed!