OUR STORY..........

I met my husband in 1994 through a mutual friend. We did not start dating until 1995.  Bo, being four years older than me, was looking to settle down and start a family.  I, on the other hand, was only 19 and was ready to enjoy being on my own.  We decided to stop dating and that was very difficult for me. I knew Bo was the one for me but at the same time knew I had to date others to make sure.  It didn't take long, on November 2, 1996 we were married. I was never happier and was ready to start our life together and start a family.

Chelsie Lynn was born to us on May 30, 1997. She weighed 8lbs 13 ounces.  She is such a delight to us. Even though she is becoming a teenager, she truly is a good kid! When she got the news I was pregnant and then it was going to be a girl, she was estatic! She is such a big help and just loves her baby sister!

William "Dustin" was born to us on November 1, 1999. He weighed 8lbs 3 ounces. He is so much like his dad...happy, easy going and laid back.  He too was very excited I was going to have a baby. When it came time to tell him I was having a girl the mood changed. He was like "no, my brother is in there hiding behind her", it was priceless. When his baby sister came he was very excited and actually received the nickname "babyhog" becasue he always had her holding her
Brooke came into this world and slipped into our hearts on this day! She weighed in at an even 8lbs.  She had no signs of jaundace at first. She is a beautiful happy baby. She is loved by so many people!